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Monday, September 22, 2008

Hit the Commodity ETF's and ETN's, and Hit Them Hard

This past last 6 months have created havoc in the United States and the rest of the world. The mortgage crisis followed by the financial market meltdown has created a situation of the largest Government bail-out in the history of the western world. The $700 billion Fed print-out *cough cough*, forgive me; Bail-out has produced a ton of cheap money sloshing around the worlds markets. What does this mean? Well for one, Hyper-Inflation.

Now the equities markets won't be very effected by the eroded buying power of the all-mighty greenback, but you will definitely see hyper-inflation in the commodities. And of course, the specifics are Gold, Silver and Oil. But don't kid yourself, the other commodities will be very lucrative in inflated gains.

Now, myself, I don't trade the actual commodities. My interests lie more in the ETF's and ETN's which follow the commodities. Specifically, the option call's of these securities. As always, do your homework, find the right strikes and profit.


And as always, the producer's of the commodities aren't a bad bet either, but be prepared to go the long distance.

Happy Trading.

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